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Стихи о животных

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На главную > Стихи о животных > Дэвид Вонсбро «Стихи о животных»

* * *
Darth Vadar
Stole the shell
Of a black cicada.

* * *
Look up!
What luck!
A flock of flying duck!
Oh bother!
Quick, duck!
A lot of flying muck!

* * *
Uncle Wal from Warragamba
Sat on his back veranda
And with his shanghai (wham!)
Knocked galahs from the jacaranda.
Later he went to gather stones
And a falling branch hit his head. Bam!
Days later he was discovered dead.
The birds had pecked his bones.
And the folk at Warragamba
Didn’t give a damn.

* * *
Why do dirty doggy dingoes
Endlessly lick their dicks?
Why? The dry and dirty
Desert dust
On their foreskin sticks.

* * *
Some went one way
Others the other.
But in each line,
Each of the hundreds of ants
Met each other nose to nose,
Stepped aside and joined the flow.
I wish I hadn't looked
And let them pass.
For as I watched
A team got up my pants
And bit my bottom.

* * *
Currawongs tapping
On the tin of the flour milk roof
Pecking and crapping
Not at all like myself
My life's not a
Dilettante’s taking
Of peripheral experience
Turning on the pivot of myself,
Hopping, stirring up the dust
With the scratching of my feet,
Working up
A good dense miasma.

* * *
Dear extra extraverted kookaburra,
You win. The noise is too much.
This time I'll flee
The mountains from Leura
To Chatswood, Hornsby, or North Turramurra.
What hope of mastering laughter
When you won’t be trapped
By rhyme.
David Wansburra.

* * *
I never knew a roo
Who never knew
How tasty roo tail fat
Thickens a bush stew.
So mate, we'll wait
Until you've shot it
And into the pot pop it.
Street! The roos heard.
And hopped it.

* * *
I'm gunna bet (though I never gamble)
That goannas are helluva groaners.
The scaly old moaners.
So you think they never speak or squeak?
Their very silences reek.
No wonder they're rocky loners.

* * *
You bloody great galah!
You tore the wipers from my car.
You pecked the nails from off my roof.
The neighbours heard «Dash it» and «Streuth».
When I moved out to the garden shed
You ripped the feathers from my bed.
Now I nest up in YOUR tree.
I bother you, and not you me.

* * *
It's not silly to make a pet of a crocodilly.
I could really grow quite fond
Of two bright eyes on the lily pond.
I would wade out to the knee
And wait for you to swim to me.
Think of the happy hours we'd while
Away together. Ah! I see you smile....

* * *
Black swans at dawn at Ballarat
Are quiet and calm
Swanning smoothly on the lake.
Be warned and take
Plenty of bread.
On land the darling swans
Can do you harm.

* * *
Mr Echidna, when faced with sex
Said, «My tummy is sore,dear.
I'll take a BEX».

* * *
«What me?» said the possum. «I'm well adjusted.
I've no hangups. M'twined tail is trusted
To keep me in the tree.
The blood must rush to my head
To make my eyes in the night glow red».

* * *
O Dingo, beware the backs and bums
Of wombats. Are they tough?
Thanks to fangs in fur that's rough
Dingoes dribble from bare gums.

* * *
I fear the approach
Of the dreaded cockroach
That lies on the bathroom floor.
Though I've squashed it to goo
With the toe of my shoe
Still it crawls on for more.
Is it the ghost of somebody bad?
Or has too much poetry driven me mad...?

* * *
I fear to awake
The tiger snake
That’s snoozing under my bed.
I've eaten the mice
And nibbled the lice
On what will the snake be fed?

* * *
How are ya, koala?
How tastes the gum
Of gums on horny mouth gums?
Blob lazy, armswinger
And insousiant back scratcher.
Aussie Emperor of animals!
Parakeets, proslytise!
Galah, genuflect.
There, now, nod along the gum.
What's this? Proletarian possums?
Let them come.
My fur form firm grips
My branchy fork throne
Gripped by my prehensile bum.



Дэвид Вонсбро.
Спeциально для CleverDog.ru

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